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Home . About . GPS . Downloads . Business . Partners . Contact . Family . AVL . Links . History . AsOnTV . Holidays . Snoopy . . Grumpy . Covid19 . Robin's CV white strip GOTOP SOS Pendent Gotop SOS White Spot 2 Satcomms Tracker in car ? Click here for SPOTT in Boat

Some Social Media is restrictive and time-consuming. If we don't already know each other, please see below.
Your full name ? at least approximate address, such as Country & nearest town ? Age ? Occupation ? Don't be shy ;-)
You may track Robin, June, their cars, or Snoopy's Robot Boat. . e.g. Robin's Black Gotop SOS Pendant on left.
BUT see Gotop on AVL ! e.g. tracking life ? Robin calls this type of product a "PocketPal" - valuable for pensioners ;-)
See for our news & Covid19 page, to both educate and amuse.
Robin & June can video chat on Skype, Whatsapp, Zoom, Meet, Facebook, etc.
Robin is also on , , .

Robin's business card

Contacting Robin Lovelock & Sunninghill Systems

Robin Lovelock Hi ! I'm Robin Lovelock, in Sunninghill UK, and little changed on this "Contact" page since 1996, when our Family got on the Net. I'm a "Grumpy Old Man", born in 1947, and am always pleased to get your email.

Before contacting anyone, it's good to know who you are dealing with. See my Home page, then ASONTV , Robin's CV , and The Bigger Picture . Perhaps my Youtube channel above , or even Hobbies page - but don't get lost for hours :-)

May I know a bit about you ? Your full name ? Country ? Nearest town ? Year of birth ? Any public profile ? e.g. Web site, Linkedin, Facebook, etc. Are you also a Grumpy Old Man ? :-)

Robin is a Grumpy Old Man ! :-) Robin Lovelock as Father Christmas in December 2024 :-) Note that I DO have Smartphones, tablets, and Laptops, but prefer to start with email, before meetings, real or virtual. The cheap mobile 'phone I carry isn't so smart, so best remember that if you use my mobile number.

Robin Lovelock does Bollywood I like to start conversations with an exchange of emails, so we both know a little about each other, before we start any conversation by email, telephone, face-to-face, or by Social Media, such video chat via Whatsapp/Zoom/Skype/Messenger etc.

That photo of me with a beard and Father Christmas hat, taken in December 2024, is for those who say that my mugshot on my visiting cards, or web pages, makes me look too young, and/or they don't recognise me ;-)

My long-suffering wife June Lovelock, since 1971, does NOT have her email address or mobile 'phone number public - unlike me. However, she carries her smartphone with her, so we often work as a "Team", exchanging information with our many overlapping networks of friends. Unlike me, June is NOT on Facebook - and I don't blame her. One of June's videos is me singing "Bollywood", sent by our local Indian friends :-)

June Lovelock on Youtube In 2021, June started her own Youtube channel, and you can see it if you click on her face on the right. This is a useful means of acting as a faster way of emailing videos as links, rather than big, slow, files, sent from Whatsapp, or other Social Media.

In the past 30+ years that I've been working like this, I've built up a huge network of friends in over 150 countries. Over 10,000 of these have used my GPS Software. But for several decades, we talk about many other things, and may meet. e.g. when on Holiday or visiting somewhere near us. So, wherever you are in the World, I may know someone within walking distance of you :-)

I still have my emails, dating back to 1995, and they helped me contact old overseas friends in 2020, for that Covid19 page.

Robin Lovelock's GPSS GPS Software I retired more than 10 years ago, but still help those who use my GPS Software. In recent years, many who contact me are interested in my Snoopy's Robot Boat hobby, or "doing good" related to my charity interests, such as in the UK. Or maybe just being put in contact with others, on almost any subject under the sun. e.g. There are many topics on Grumpy page, and my Bigger Picture page. A few journalist friends were important to my business, in the 1990's, then charity, then just fun. See AsOnTV . Tap or Click on that extract below, to read our Christmas 1995 Newsletter , linked from our Family page. That was back in 1996 ! :-)

I prefer direct email communication, and not via social networking sites, such as Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and countless others. However, in late 2020, I have ressurrected Skype, that I first used in 2003, and several other video conferencing ( or "chat" ) apps. e.g. Whatsapp, Zoom, Facebook Messenger.

Extract from Christmas 1996 Lovelock Newsletter Twenty years ago, some serious "GPSS Business" customers, would visit my home from UK and abroad. However, most of the guys worked with me by email, voice calls, supported by data I uploaded onto my Download pages. e.g. Mapping, or data to make GPSS speak and display other languages, including Russion, Japanese, Chinese, and most others. This work was often done by "enthusiasts" - although many of us businessmen were also very enthusiastic :-)

But now, after using email to establish and check who someone is, it makes sense to use a video chat - if security allows. But remember, NOTHING is truely secure on the Net ;-)

Robin's mobile Alcatel U5 is smart and cheap :-) Robin's mobile 'phone is NOT smart :-) To e-mail me, use or My emails are received by the desktop PC in my Study, and sounds a loud claxon ! We have a PC connected to our large TV in the lounge, and this can also show video from our smartphones.

I do NOT normally use a smartphone, even though wife June, and almost all friends and family do :-) I often hear emails coming in, so you may get a quick reply. Click on my cheap Alcatel U5 on the right, to see typical Apps used in recent years. e.g. "Reachfar" to track our "Pocket Cams", seen on my AVL page. Many friends can track my car, C4 GPS, and me, when on foot. e.g. who I am with :-)

Where possible, please contact me by e-mail before making a 'phone call, or video "chat" on something like Skype, Whatsapp, or Zoom.

You may contact June or myself on +44 1344 620775 - between 0800 and 2200 UK time, any day of the working week. If another member of the family or an answer-machine takes your call, please leave your name, reason for calling, town, country, and a telephone number. Robin is always contactable by voice or SMS Text on his dumb mobile +44 7736 353404. If you 'phone, please be prepared to give your e-mail address, so I can pick up the conversation where it left off.

22 Armitage Court Our home and office address is : Sunninghill Systems, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA, United Kingdom.

both of us You can see us on Google Maps by clicking here You can see the entrance to Armitage Court on Google maps streetview here If you wish to visit, please email then ring us first.

If you have doubts about providing information about yourself, you may read more about us on our family page. We've lived here in Sunninghill since 1981, and hope to be here a good while longer :-)

You will probably have noticed that this web site is extremely "up front" about who we are. Giving people permission to use GPSS, or provide them useful contacts, does not require huge resources. I have worked in larger companies and on larger projects than most people, and have no need to pretend what we are not. I greatly respect others who are able to be equally "up front" about themselves and their own business - however small it is. So don't be shy :-)

Robin's Corner of 22 Armitage Court If some of my web site pages are important to you: is hosted on , , and . Please remember these.

After many years of good service, my hosting on went down in August 2020. They seem close to fixing it. See details below the World map, on my Home page.

We now have a "QR code" for on "Robin's Corner". Tap or Click on the picture to read details - if you can ! :-)

Your browser is on /contact.htm. white strip

Tracking Robin's car & contacting us when we are mobile ... Voice or short SMS text to UK 07736 353 404

You may be able to track Robin, by clicking on SpotT2 or these pictures below of the trackers in Robin's hand. For SPOT you then tap on the red button, to allow it's limited 500 points of data, then can choose all it has - typically months, the last 7 days, 24 hours, or live. Click on these examples to enlarge. If you switch to satellite map, you can see where we parked. You can guess what we are doing, by zooming in. e.g. visiting garden centres, shops, or friends. If you can track us, you can also hide, if you see us coming :-)

SpotT2 GOTOP SOS Pendent SpotT2 SpotT2 SpotT2 white strip

Who has visited this page ?

Robin Lovelock From Robin: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page. See map and words near end of my Home page ;-)

The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page. I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Camberley, England" (on my Study PC), or "Redhill, England" ( on the Lounge PC). Positions may not be accurate, but times are. These may change at any time, without control by me. e.g. after we've had a power cut, or I reboot one of our routers. You may even see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "relaxing" in Lounge :-)

Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find Revolvermaps visits to this "Contact" page interesting.

There have been Hit Counter by Digits visits counted by Digits Web Counter since 5th December 2015.

the Date & Time in Sunninghill is as London :

Click on time zones below to visit Best not 'phone me between 2300 & 0800 UK time, but OK to email or SMS text me. I can also doze the next day :-)

white strip Time Zones white strip Christmas

© 1991-2024 Robin Lovelock, Sunninghill Systems. 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berks SL5 9TA, United Kingdom.